Through the tragedy of losing my wife, Florinda, I came to realize just how many of us have had this horrible disease touch our lives.Flo’s courageous battle has inspired me to stand up and continue her fight. The establishment of this foundation is to support the ongoing efforts of the American Cancer Society to ease the burden that this devastating disease brings to both its victims and their families. We chose to support the “Astra Zeneca Hope Lodge of Philadelphia which provides free lodging for patients and their families when receiving cancer treatment.

Through the generosity of our supporters, we have met our first goal of $25,000 to fund memorial room in honor of my wife, Florinda Olivieri-George. We are now funding a “Memorial Hallway” with a $100,000 pledge. It is my hope that our success will continue as a legacy to all our loved ones who have been touched by this dreaded disease. So, I implore you to join us in this worthwhile cause!

Together we can do great things!

Will George -- MLB Scout ~ Colorado Rockies

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